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Sunday, January 23, 2011

Understanding Textile for a merchandiser

As a Garment Merchandiser he/she must have the knowledge about Textile.

The word “Textile” originally applied only to woven fabrics, now generally applied to fibers, yarns, or fabrics or products made of fiber, yarns or fabrics. The term Textile originates from the Latin verb Texere-to-weave-but, as the Textile institutes terms and definitions Glossary explains, it is now “a general term applied to any manufacture from fibers, filaments or yarns characterized by flexibility, fineness and high ratio of length to thickness.”

Textile Fiber:
Fibers used for the production of yarn and fabric. There are many fibers looks like textile fiber but all the fibers are not textile fibers. Textile fibers must the following properties-
A.    Primary Properties-
a.    High length to width ratio
b.    Tenacity
c.    Flexibility
d.    Spinning Quality
e.    Uniformity
B.    Secondary Properties:
a.    Physical Shape
b.    Elastic recovery and elongation
c.    Resiliency
d.    Flammability and other thermal reactions
e.    Density
f.    Luster
g.    Color
h.    Moisture regain

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